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Ikea’s in the hood

Ikea has successfully indoctrinated the Western world with its version of furniture and Swedish-inspired living, so don’t feign shock that the corporate giant now plans to open its own community outside of London.   It is a

Ikea has successfully indoctrinated the Western world with its version of furniture and Swedish-inspired living, so don’t feign shock that the corporate giant now plans to open its own community outside of London.


It is a common practice in Sweden and other non-English speaking European countries for corporations build and own entire communities and everything in them, with the goal of making cash by renting out homes, apartments and offices. If people can make money doing that in Sweden, why not England, right?


Set in East London, in the shadows of the newly constructed Olympic Park, Ikea hopes to create affordable living opportunities (in keeping with their furniture-making mission, of course) for residents in more than 1,000 homes and apartments. The rigidly designed and overseen community will include townhouses, apartments, two- and three-story homes, condominium towers up to 11 stories tall, offices and a hotel.


The community will gear toward families, and the prices will vary. To keep the community clean and crisp, expect plenty of public areas mixed with pedestrian walkways. And cars will get buried, as an underground parking garage will sit below the entire community.

While the community may be owned by Ikea and evoke the same emotions as navigating an Ikea showroom, there will be no Ikea stores located within the boundaries and you’ll have to fill your apartment with your own Ikea products. So don’t throw away that Allen key just yet.


We only wonder whether there will be hotdog stands on street corners aswell!