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Dunkin’ Donuts Interactive Bus Ad

A South Korean Dunkin’ Donuts campaign is reinventing the traditional radio advertisement using unique technology and the smell of coffee. The campaign, named, Flavour Radio releases coffee aroma via sound recognition technology.   Each time the Dunkin’

A South Korean Dunkin’ Donuts campaign is reinventing the traditional radio advertisement using unique technology and the smell of coffee. The campaign, named, Flavour Radio releases coffee aroma via sound recognition technology.


Each time the Dunkin’ Donuts radio ad was played a light coffee aroma was released using atomizers installed on commuter buses in Seoul. The aroma has reinforced the sensory connection and experience of the Dunkin’ Donuts brand, and has boosted in-store traffic in South Korea. In fact, over than 350,000 people experienced the ad during the campaign, leading to number of visitors to the Dunkin’ Donuts stores increasing by 16 percent and sales going up 29 percent.


In-store sensory experience is nothing new to retailers, but now this experience has been taken out of the store and into the streets.

via PSFK