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Adult vending machines… No it’s not what you’re thinking

I can't wait to see how they leverage version 2.   We've all seen the scantily clad girls handing out free samples of some random product as we commute to work first thing in the morning. Well rest

I can’t wait to see how they leverage version 2.


We’ve all seen the scantily clad girls handing out free samples of some random product as we commute to work first thing in the morning. Well rest assured this little puppy shouldn’t be the demise of the good old promo girl.
Faced with a promotional challenge to re-enforce Jell-O Temptations dessert’s positioning as an adult only snack, some bright spark thought of combining facial recognition and a vending machine. Basically the machine scans your face, works out if you’re an adult or a child and then hay-presto if you’re old enough dispenses a free sample. If you’re not, access is denied.
I guess the guys at Kraft forgot a golden rule. “Just because you can… Doesn’t mean you should”.