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Shop Via Images Within Social Media

A new social commerce tool called Stipple Shopping lets sellers make sales through picture sharing on networks like Facebook and Twitter. When brands debut new products, they can share a photo of it on social

A new social commerce tool called Stipple Shopping lets sellers make sales through picture sharing on networks like Facebook and Twitter. When brands debut new products, they can share a photo of it on social media and consumers looking at the post can make an in-line purchase directly from the photo.

Stipple Shopping enables consumers to explore, compare and buy products all within a photo. They can view multiple product options and promotional material from the same screen.

The tool will be available in-stream on Twitter and Facebook, and in-line on leading websites. Instead of needing to open multiple browsers to look at and compare products, consumers will have all the information they require to make purchase decisions in one place.

Brands can drive real revenue through images and the process is fully scalable and automated, with no product tagging required. Consumers can look at multiple images and videos, select different colors, and view related products, before making a purchase through the safe and secure platform for payments.