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Content. Think outside the box

When commissioned to make a video about the Nike Fuel band, Director Casey Neistat decided to take a slightly unorthodox route. No it's not a video about chicks in bikini's, (there's plenty of those around) it's

When commissioned to make a video about the Nike Fuel band, Director Casey Neistat decided to take a slightly unorthodox route.

No it’s not a video about chicks in bikini’s, (there’s plenty of those around) it’s about using Nike’s positioning line for Nike Fuel as the basis to a pretty simple idea, “Life is a sport make it count”. In 6 months it’s ranked up more than 7.5 million views which isn’t amazing figures by viral standards but it’s also something that can’t be sniffed at and just goes to show, a bit of creative license can help things go a long way.