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Introducing ‘Biscuit’ – The World’s First Dog Loyalty Program

Loyalty schemes for retail customers have been around for a long time--but the latest, from Finland's pet speciality retailer Musti Group, offers something rather different. Musti, and agency TBWA/Helsinki, are claiming to have invented the

Loyalty schemes for retail customers have been around for a long time–but the latest, from Finland’s pet speciality retailer Musti Group, offers something rather different. Musti, and agency TBWA/Helsinki, are claiming to have invented the “very first customer loyalty program for dogs.”

“Biscuit” is a “smart” collar with an RFID chip that recognizes the pet, rather than the owner, when they walk in the store. That gives staff access to “personal dog data” including their name and birthday, favorite treat and that all-important shopping history.

“These days a lot of pet supply brands claim to do things for the dogs but behave otherwise. There are 650,000 dogs only in Finland, so it’s about time they got their own customer loyalty cards,” says Juha-Matti Raunio, head of innovation at TBWAHelsinki. The gadget was unveiled this week at the World Animal Day gala in Helsinki– an event where dogs had acesss to a bar, tasting menu, casino and nail trimming salon.

We can see lots of potential for this scheme but only one downside: until dogs can pay for their own goods, you’ll always have to take your pooch to the store. Unless you’re prepared to wear a dog collar yourself.

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