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Download Content From Airport Billboards

  An ad campaign for Google utilising NFC and QR codes has been rolled out by oOh!media at Sydney Airport. To promote the Google Play store, they placed NFC-enabled billboards in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane airports



An ad campaign for Google utilising NFC and QR codes has been rolled out by oOh!media at Sydney Airport. To promote the Google Play store, they placed NFC-enabled billboards in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane airports that let travellers select and interact with content, and pay to download it directly onto their phones.


They can use their mobile device to remotely control a digital advertising panel with ‘Tap or Scan’ technology. The campaign encouraged people to tap their phone to an NFC-triggered location or scan a QR code.




They could then download books, movies, music and apps before they got on their plane using the free airport wi-fi and enjoy them during their flight. You can check out travellers trying out the airport technology in the video below: