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Phillips Harnesses A Mother’s Energy In Brandtail Mother’s Day Campaign

Embark on a heartwarming journey as Phillips unveils a poignant Mother's Day brandtail advertising campaign that taps into the boundless energy of motherhood. With a focus on the powerful spirit of maternal love, this campaign

Embark on a heartwarming journey as Phillips unveils a poignant Mother’s Day brandtail advertising campaign that taps into the boundless energy of motherhood. With a focus on the powerful spirit of maternal love, this campaign captures the essence of the special bond between mothers and their loved ones.Explore how Phillips harnesses this heartfelt energy to create a memorable and touching experience that resonates with the essence of Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day falls a little later in Argentina than for the rest of us. This year it was on Oct. 15. To celebrate it, Philips and agency Wunderman Buenos Aires came up with an inspired idea: “Energía de madre,” or “Mother’s Energy.”

How does Mom find all the strength to do what she does? She’s chasing kids around, managing house (and everything that comes with), and maybe she works. Sometimes she’ll even find the time to do something just for herself, like take a run. It’s kind of magical, the energy that keeps her going.

So Philips harnessed it. It hand-selected a group of 20 influential, super-active moms and attached kinetically powered batteries to their shoes. Then, using the energy created by the women going about their lives, it did something truly moving.

It used the energy to power an entire neonatal ward, literally sending the life force of experienced moms to mothers and kids just embarking on the journey.

The goal of the campaign was both to understand how much energy could be produced by this method, and to find ways to reuse it for others. But “Mother’s Energy” also highlights something else—the sheer work it takes to raise little humans. If you ever doubted motherhood was an actual job, the incubators powered at Sardá Maternity Hospital will say differently.

As for where an active mom actually gets her energy? In the video, one puts it perfectly: “That energy comes from love. Love for my children, for my family and for what I do as well.”

Via AdAge